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Getting Started

There are mutiple ways to run the app but Docker Compose is the easiest way to begin !

To see all the documentation about running the app, visit deployment section


Docker Compose launches a full environnement with a pre-configured Prometheus and Grafana

1. Install Requirements

  • Docker (>19.03.0)
  • Docker-Compose

2. Modify config

Edit the config.yaml file located in docker-compose folder. Complete the file with the provided example or visit the chapter 3 of the documentation to know more about writing config file.

Example Config:

- name: Apple
symbol: AAPL
quantity: 1
fee: 2
cost_price: 119.98
quantity: 2
received_dividend: 2.85

3. Run the stack

Run the following command in the docker-compose folder :

docker-compose up -d

4. Visit Grafana

Connect to Grafana (http://localhost:3000) with the following credentials:

  • login: admin
  • password: admin

and go to dashboard Stock share monitoring

NB: please wait ~10m to see all the cells getting filled